We will rise from the torment
Torment is all around us but we persevere
A devil incarnate it is that we fight
A perfidious monster is that we confront
The news is that it has taken an oath in Lucifer’s name
An oath that it will descend us into yet another chaos
But we stand tall despite the cowardly attacks
The incarnate puts even devil to shame in malice
Our enemy is strong but we are stronger
We are stronger with the hope and love
With the love we have for each other in these times
Our strength stems from our enemy’s indifference
The indifference it has to the power of hope and love
The brutal attempts to crush our spirit were indeed in vain
We cry but not mourn when one of us leaves
We await the end of our enemy
Because we believe everything is mortal
We believe nothing is eternal
The incarnate resides in a deceptive oblivion
But we reside in hope and courage
Our armor was our aim to conquer the enemy’s heart
But what a pity our enemy deserves no love
Here is an enemy badly in need of an immortal lesson
The immortal lesson lies in the mortal end of incarnate
The days have been counted so are the hours and minutes
We guffaw at the ironic presence of innocence within your cruelty
We will rise from the torment you have inflicted
Our rise will be remembered forever
A rise even phoenix is not familiar with
Forgive but never forget